How to Set EDID from 2.0 to 1.4 on Your CommBox Classic V3/V3X

EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) is a communication protocol used by devices to exchange information about display capabilities. In certain scenarios, it may be necessary to set the EDID version from 2.0 to 1.4 on your CommBox Panel. Follow the steps below to make this adjustment:

Step 1: Switch to the HDMI Source
- Ensure that you are currently on the HDMI source connected to the output device for which you want to set the EDID.
- For example, if you want to modify the EDID for a display connected to the HDMI 1 output, switch to the HDMI 1 source.

Step 2: Open the Inputs Menu
- To access the inputs menu, you can use either the remote control or navigate through the side menus on your CommBox Panel.
- If using the remote control, locate the inputs menu icon, typically represented by a series of squares or rectangles. Press the corresponding button to open the inputs menu.
- If accessing the side menus, look for the inputs menu option and select it to open the inputs menu.

Step 3: Tap on the Sliders Icon
- Within the inputs menu, look for the sliders icon, usually located in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- Tap on the sliders icon to proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Scroll to "Menu Settings"
- As you tap on the sliders icon, a list of options will appear. Scroll horizontally across the list until you find the "Menu Settings" option.
- Select the "Menu Settings" option to access the menu settings for further configuration.

Step 5: Configure EDID from 2.0 to 1.4
- Within the menu settings, locate the EDID configuration option.
- Scroll through the available options until you find the setting to change the EDID version from 2.0 to 1.4.
- Select the appropriate option to set the EDID version to 1.4.

By following these steps, you can successfully set the EDID from 2.0 to 1.4 on your CommBox Panel. Modifying the EDID version can be useful in specific situations where compatibility issues or specific requirements arise. Please note that the menu layout and options may slightly vary depending on the specific model and firmware version of your CommBox Panel.