Can I have my own picture as my whiteboard background?

Yes, you can use your own picture as a whiteboard background on your Classic device, Just follow these steps below!


Step 1: Prepare Your Picture

Save your picture as a PNG or JPEG file and transfer it to a USB drive, we recommend the image is atleast 1920x1080. Insert the USB drive into the front public USB port of your Classic device.

Step 2: Open the Whiteboard

From the Android Home screen, open the CommBox Whiteboard application.

V3X homescreen whiteboard highlighted

Step 3: Access Background Settings

At the bottom of the whiteboard, select the background settings icon and then choose the add background icon.

V3X whiteboard background settings

Step 4: Select Your Picture

Navigate to your USB drive, locate your desired picture, and select it. The image will now be set as your whiteboard background.

V3X whiteboard import pictures-1

V3X whiteboard custom background