Approving CommBox Experience for your Microsoft Tennant

Before your organsation can log into CommBox OS on the CommBox Classic S4 and S4+ with your Microsoft credentials, your system administrator must approve the CommBox Exp application. 

There are two ways that a system administrator can approve the CommBox Exp application. 

System Administrator Logs In via the CommBox Class S4 and S4+ Screen 

  1. The system administrator logs into CommBox OS from a CommBox Classic screen. As a system administrator they will receive a screen during the login process asking them to approve the CommBox Exp application for the Microsoft Tennant. See an example screenshot below. 
    image (9)

    image (8)

2. Once this accepted, all other users in your Microsoft Tennant can log in and use the CommBox Exp and CommBox OS on the screen.  

System Administrator approves an app request from another user.  

  1. If a non-System Administrator tries to log into CommBox Exp, they will see the example screenshot below. They can request access to CommBox Exp
2. The System Administrator can log into Azure, and go to Entra ID and approve the CommBox Exp application. The link below explains how to do this process. 

3. If you are still encountering issue accessing CommBox Exp on Microsoft Tennant please reach out to Microsoft for support.